Monday, March 30, 2009


My current Work In Progress has no working title. It lives in a folder called "New Folder".

My previous Work In Progress had the same working title as an earlier WIP.

I can see a pattern here, except where do I go from no title? Negative?


Bevie said...

Hmmm. Are you writing a series?

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Titles are hard. Well, good titles are. I come up with titles all the time. Then people tell me they s*ck.

Save the title for when you're done. You may find something unexpected which works quite well.

Xenith said...

The "actual" title I usually leaves until I'm typing a query letter.

My working title I use for the folder I keep the files in, and the backup zip files and the label on Blogger. "New Folder" might work for now, but I'm can see some limitations in the immediate future :)